With the selection of Barack Obama as the first black Democratic president heated the hate sites with racists and threatening comments on the Websites.The most popular anti-Obama talk appears to be on Internet sites that allow people to post messages anonymously. One such site, JD Underground one of the anonymous users say :“I’m hoping someone will do his public duty of putting a bullet through Obama’s head,” a poster identified as “Kill Da Nigga.”Another poster says : “bring[ing] back lynchings” and concludes with a warning: “LOOK OUT NIGGER. THE KLAN IS GETTING BIGGER!!!!!!”.Although these sites are monitored, its becoming difficult for law enforcement to distinguish which threats are legitimate and which are simply talk. According to experts unless there is an immediate fear that someone will be hurt, it is unlikely that any action against hate sited can be made.
Don Black, a 55-year-old former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard has created an Obama hate site. On the day after Obama's election, more than 2,000 people joined his Web site, he was getting a increase number of new members. Approximately 80 members a day . His Web site, which was started in 1995, is one of the oldest and largest hate group sites. The site received so many hits that it crashed after election results were announced. According to Don Black the site boasts 110,000 registered members today who joined his first hate group at age 15. Here is the official web site which is owned by Don Black.
Mark Potok.February 20 2008. Racist attacks on Obama growing more heated.Website:http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2008/02/20/racist-attacks-on-obama-growing-more-heated/
Stephanie Chen,2009.Growing hate groups blame Obama, economy.Website: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/US/02/26/hate.groups.report/index.html
The phenomenon of the Internet is that everyone got a right to talk. To talk absolutely freely without llimits. And people who share their ideas (we don't see them)can be killers, sexual deviants, prostitutes..etc. When I need to know someone's opinion I follow the person I know; the person who presents some authority for me. And these emerged 'hate-sites' are just expresions of different people whom probably we would not like to meet in real. The platform for this unlimited, unristrained, and various interaction was created thanks to the Web. I'm wondering whether people were thinking about the regulations in the Internet, while they were making one a public service.