There's nothing new about hate speech but in a time when hate seems to erupt into violence the Internet seems to be a powerful way to distribute hatefull messages. People are turning to online social networks to show their agression and hate for different reasons: racism,homophoby,terroristm etc...and it has become an issue. According to Simon Wiesenthal Center there are about 11,500 hate-affiliated Web pages which is a 20 percent jump from last year's study. If anything makes the Internet different from other types of speech it is the simplicity of the internet according to which the few can reach the many. Internet brings people together but not always for a good reason.While some think that there is a freedom of the speech and these hate sites are not a threat as long as it stays in verbal form some think that they serve no good purpose to anyone. A Clear example of this is a Facebook group which openly calls for death to the gays. Another one attracts fans who hate “faggots, whores, and cops.” A Facebook poll (now deleted) asked whether President Barack Obama should be killed.There are some cases when people got victims of hate sites and i think noone is prevented from such case.There are people who cant express themselves inreal life and they take advantage of hate sites where they can post anything under anonymous name. I think it's becoming a serious problem that's why i think its quite important to think about it. While i was doing some research i realised that some people arent even aware of these Web sites and i have to admit that i didnt know much about it but now i'm aware of it and i think everyone should be since the internet is fast becoming a powerfully persuasive medium.
Olson.3 May2010.Internet Hate Sites Jump 20 Percent In One Year.Website:http://newsjunkiepost.com/2010/05/03/internet-hate-sites-jump-20-percent-in-one-year/
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