One of the recent cases of creating hate sites has occured in Manchester by pupils. They created a hate site about their teachers which was quite disturbing. According to the source (BBC) hate site included malicious sexual allegations against teachers.One of the teachers had suffered stress after finding out thata video of her teaching was uploaded on YouTube. Another teacher said she knew of a group of pupils who wrote online: "Join this group if you think Mrs X is still a virgin."A false social networking profile, opened in the name of a teacher, claimed he enjoyed "under-age sex with both boys and girls". And it has found that a large number of pupils were registered on this network. One of the techers recall that she tried to remove her photo from the site however with no acces to the accounts it was impossible to remove the photo. In a survey of 630 UK teachers, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers found 94 said they knew of colleagues that had had a group set up to discuss or post abusive messages about them(Sellgren Katherine,2010).One of the victims od this case says that: "We have a right to enjoy the pleasures of using social networking sites just the same as any other person - without fear of consequences."(Sellgren Katherine,2010).
A Department for Children, Schools and Families spokesman said: "This should never be tolerated. It's absolutely wrong for any teacher to face abuse and threats online or on their own mobiles. False or misleading allegations can damage or even ruin teachers' careers and discredit the whole profession(Sellgren Katherine,2010).
This kind of cases emphasises the importance of monitoring social networks. In this case its the direct invesion into somone's private life and career so at the first glimpse it might seem a harmless joke of pupils however it may lead to serious consequences.
Sellgren Katherine,31 March,2010.Teachers bullied by 'hate sites'.Website :http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/8595530.stm
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